Losf prototype and racial concept WIP

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Losf - sentient squid-like amphibians that have 10 arms and 2 tentacles.

Males are smaller than the females, but have larges, more elaborate fins.
The shortest adult would stand at around 5 feet tall on land, and the largest would stand around 12 feet.  Those who end up on the large end tend to prefer to stay in aquatic environments, as it makes it easier to support their bulk.  The average standing size of a Losf is around 8 feet for a male and 10 feet for a female

UPDATE: 12/24/202 - added basic Race information documentation.  The losf are one of many races that sought asylum in the enshrouded land of Icandra.  This write up is for information about the losf as they are in Icandra, and does not have any actual system stats in it.  This lets you use them in any system you want, and it would not be difficult to adapt them to other worlds.

This is a work in progress for this species and is subject to change.  It may also be difficult to print parts of it due to this. 

This is an original race and as such all rights belong to Incandescent Dragon Creations, along with the original world setting of Icandra. 

This model, world and racial information is for personal use and cannot be sold, nor can any derivatives.  Kitbashing (making derivatives) is reserved for personal use only.  If you wish to share derivatives made with this model, you must first get permission from the creator (myself) and any other creator whose work you use.  Otherwise, this race (concept, writeup, model and any derivatives of such) cannot be shared, given away nor uploaded to any other site.

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Prototype: Work in progress of female style 1 - no clothing version. merged solid obj zip file.

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Losf prototype and racial concept WIP

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